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On the Duality of Types: the Ideals versus the Reals


I’ve been working hard over the last few weeks on the next release of Whiley, which should be out soon.  However, I’ve got myself into a little bit of a pickle over the type system (again).  I want the type system to be simple and easy to use, but at the same time efficient (as I want Whiley to compile for e.g. embedded systems).  As usual, there some trade-offs here!

Problem Statement

Consider this very simple program:

void f({int} xs, {real} ys):
   zs = xs + ys // set union
   // what type does zs have now?

The question is: what type does zs have? There are at least two options: {real} or {int|real}.  This issue is really about whether we have a strong distinction between an int and a real.  In most languages, this is indeed the case.  For example, in Java, an int is distinct from a float.  That is, we can have a variable of float type which has the same value as one of int type.  The use of implicit coercions, however, hides this distinction from us.  In Java, this mostly doesn’t cause a problem (except for the fact that implicit coercions in Java can lose precision — but that’s another story).

As another example, consider this short function:

int f(real x):
    if x ~= int:
        return x

The question here is: should this function be considered syntactically correct or not? If the type int is distinct from real, then we should get an “incompatible operands” error (or similar).

So, what’s going on here?  Well, this is really about the ideals versus the reals:

  • The ideals are the idealised (i.e. mathematical) notions of values in the language. In such a world, a value of type int also has type real.  Conversely, every value of type real which is, in fact, an integer must also have type int (e.g. 10.2 / 5.1 : int). Likewise, a value of type [T] also has type {int->T} and, hence, the value {0->"x",1->"y"} has type [string]. This is very flexible, but makes it difficult to know exactly what type you have — making it hard for the compiler to optimise.
  • The reals are a more pragmatic approach where types more closely reflect their machine implementation; in such case, type int is quite separate from type real (although implicit coercions can make it seem otherwise). In such case, 2.0 has type real, whilst 2 has type int. Likewise, (e.g. 10.2 / 5.1 : real). This case is perhaps the more traditional approach, and it certainly makes the compiler’s job easier.

In Java, this issue is really not an issue.  However, in Whiley, it appears to be more complicated and worth at least considering.

Option 1 — Go with the Ideals

This case probably makes the most sense, but it also impacts upon performance (I believe).  Here are a few observations:

  • {int} + {real} => {real} whilst {int} & {real} => {int}.
  • If xs has type [real], then this holds after xs[0] = 1.
  • The comparison xs == ys makes sense if e.g. xs has type {real}, but ys has type {int}.

All of this sounds quite nice and rosey, and makes heaps of sense.  However, the machine representation of values is more complicated.  For example, suppose we want to represent an int with BigInteger and real with BigRational. Then, consider these examples:

any f(int x, int y):
    if x > y:
        y = x
        y = x / y
    return y

void g(any x):
    if x ~= int:
        out.println("GOT INT")
    else if x ~= real:
        out.println("GOT REAL")

Note: in the above, g(1.0) prints "GOT INT", whilst g(1.2) prints "GOT REAL".

Now, we can choose whether or not to enforce the following invariant (note: there are other invariants we could choose, this just an example):

if a variable has static type int then it must be a BigInteger, otherwise it has type BigRational.

The reason for this invariant comes from the type any.  That is, if a variable has type any, can it be a BigInteger or a BigRational or both? The invariant says it can only be a BigRational.

Now, suppose we do enforce the invariant. Then, in the first example above, we must coerce y from a BigInteger into a BigRational; however, the second example is easier since we know x cannot be a BigInteger.

Suppose we we don’t enforce that invariant, then no coercion is needed in f(), but in g() variable x could be either a BigInteger or a BigRational and still pass the test x ~= int — meaning we must test for both.

Another interesting case is this:

bool f([int] xs, [real] ys):
    return xs == ys

Again, if we enforce our invariant then we’ll need to convert all elements of xs to BigRational before making the comparison. If we don’t enforce it, then we may have spurious instances of BigInteger in ys.

Probably the easiest way to resolve all of these issues regarding representation is to implement int and real values using the same underlying datatype. This avoids the need to coerce at all, but may add some overhead. Alternatively, we can construct our own number hierarchy (i.e. MyBigInt and MyBigReal) where one can compare across instances of the different classes.

All of these issues are duplicated across the other equivalences in the type hierarchy e.g. {int->T} and [T]. However, it’s very unlikely we could employ an efficient uniform representation that worked across these different types (JavaScript does something like this, where a list is really just a map).

Option 2 — Go with the Reals

The second option is actually the easiest to implement from the compiler perspective, and also the easiest to make efficient and compact. However, it also ends up with quite weird semantics IMHO.  Considering the same examples from the ideals, this would give:

  • {int} + {real} => {int|real} whilst {int} & {real} => {int}.
  • If xs has type [real], then after xs[0] = 1 we have xs with type [int|real].
  • The comparison xs == ys does not makes sense if xs has type {real}, but ys has type {int}.

In this case, we can easily implement any value of type int as a BigInteger, and any value of type real as a BigRational.  For example:

any f(int x, int y):
    if x > y:
        y = x
        y = x / y
    return y

void g(any x):
    if x ~= int:
        out.println("GOT INT")
    else if x ~= real:
        out.println("GOT REAL")

In both of these examples, any signals that we can have a value of either type int or type real (or some other type). The key difference from before is that there’s no ambiguity since an int is distinct from a real. For example, g(1.0) will now print "GOT REAL", whilst g(1) will print "GOT INT".

We can try to use implicit coercions to make the distinction between int and real more seamless. For example:

int f(int x, real y):
    if x == y:
        return x
        return -1

In this case, a coercion would be applied from int to real for variable x in the comparison. However, the proper choice of coercions is not entirely clear to me. For example:

void f({int} xs, {real} ys):
    zs = xs + ys

Should we apply a coercion at this point for xs? Or, should we say the type of zs is {int|real}? Likewise, what about this case:

void f([int] xs):
    xs[0] = 1.2

Do we coerce xs into type [real] after the assignment, or leave it with type [int|real] ?


Probably, these issues seem very insignificant. However, it’s important for me to decide what the semantics are in order that I don’t have to back track!

In the end, I think option 1 makes the most sense.  I believe I can see a range of fairly efficient implementations, and it has the most natural semantics IMHO.

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